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Plazy inzerát

Záložky v inzerátoch


Registrovaný 22. February 2025.


Sledovatelia 0

August 2015 (upované August 2015)

Want to import some reptile


I am Carter form Taiwan. I want to buy some reptile that someone can export legally. Following is what I want to buy:

Holaspis Guentheri (malex10/femalex10)
Gerrhosaurus Major (malex5/femalex15)
Agama Agama (malex10/femalex10)
Agama mwanzae (malex10/femalex10)
Acanthocercus atricollis (malex10/femalex10)

If you are interested in cooperation with me, here is my contact information:


Best Regard,

carterking všetky inzeráty