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Részletes hirdetések tartalma

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Hirdető rp Faj db Méret Átvétel Frissítve Price
donmiklos +3

Registered 13. August 2009.

Hungary 8000 Székesfehérvár

Followers: 0

3 Augacephalus ezendami 0.1.5 1 cm
Budapest, Székesfehérvár
April 2019 € 0.00



Registered 12. March 2025.


Followers: 0

April 2016


Terraplaza aprilis 17.

facebook Theraphosa Spiders
Augacephalus junodi 1v.
Harpactira pulchripes 1v.
megbeszeles utan
Heterometrus spinifer, cyaneus, petersi


This advertisement involves an animal,
which is banned in certain countries.
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Registered 12. March 2025.


Followers: 0

October 2016


TerraPlaza 16.10.

For sale od exchange!
Just offer me something.

0.1 Augacephalus junodi 3-3,5 cm body - 45€
0.1 Avicularia versicolor adult - 70€
0.1 Avicularia cf. aurantiaca adult - 70€
0.1 Avicularia sp. Peru Purple adult - 50€
0.1 Avicularia sp. Guyana (mated 06.07.'16) - 50€
0.5 Heteroscodra maculata 4 cm body - 30€/pcs
0.1 Heterothele villosella sub/adult - 20€

1.0 Cyriopagopus lividum 9/16 adult - 35€
1.0 Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 9/16 adult - 25€

0.0.30-100 pcs Lasiodora difficilis L2 --> csere!

Avicularia sp. Guyana