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Registered 28. March 2025.


Followers: 0

February 2016

Dart frogs


For TerraPlaza Budapest 22.2.2016
Ranitomeya imitator Tarapoto 0.0.2, 9-10 months
R. amazonica 0.0.2, 5-6 months
R. sirensis Panguana orange 1.1 (10 months), 0.0.12 (5-7 months)
R. benedicta 0.0.4 (3-4 months), breeding group 7pcs (probably 3.4) 2 years old
Phyllobates vittatus 2.1 3-4 years old, 0.0.5, 5 months old
Possible trade for another Ranitomeya or Oophaga

Dart frogs

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