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Registered 31. March 2025.


Followers: 0

July 2019 (upped June 2020)



Lucihormetica subcincta, verrucosa
Nauphoeta cinerea
Oxyhaloa deusta
Panchlora sp.Northern Costa Rica, sp. giant
Paratemnopteryx couloniana
Periplaneta americana, white eye, black
Phoetalia pallida
Polyphaga aegyptiaca
Princisia vanwaerebeki
Pycnoscelus femapterus, indicus, nigra, sp.Thailand, striatus, surinamensis, tenebricosa
Rhyparobia maderae gold
Symploce incuriosa
Therea bernhardti, olegrandjeani, regularis
levél, doboz, táp, terkó, aljzat, világítás, növény, stb...


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