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Reptile Advertisement

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Registered 22. January 2025.


Followers: 0

July 2015 (upped October 2015)

20 different species of Cobras and vipers


Hello, we have more 20 different species of Cobra and vipers for sale
The king cobra,
Indian cobra,
False water cobra,
Water cobra,
Tree cobra,
The burrowing cobra,
The spitting cobras, Naja's available, etc
bitis parviocula,
Death Adder,
Acanthophis rugosus,
Acanthophis praelongus, etc
Ball pythons,black scorpions 100 gm plus,spiders and many more also available.
in world to buyers in more than 50 countries.
Contact us at:

This advertisement involves an animal,
which is banned in certain countries.

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