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Tarantula Advertisement

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Registered 28. March 2025.


Followers: 0

January 2023 (upped July 2024)




0.2 Cyriopagopus sp. Hati hati. 10.000Ft/db
0.1 Heteroscodra maculata adult. 10.000Ft
0.1 Stromatopelma calceatum 4cm test 10.000Ft
0.2 Omothymus schioedtei adult 12.000Ft/db
0.0.x Cyriopagopus sp. Hati hati. 1v 1000Ft/db
0.0.x Omothymus schioedtei 1v 1400Ft/db
0.0.x Phormingochilus sp. Rufus 1v. 1000Ft/db
0.0.x Chilobrachys nathanicharum (ex sp. Electric Blue) 1v 2500Ft/db
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