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Registered 26. March 2025.


Followers: 0

July 2023 (upped September 2023)

Eladó nőstények:


Brachypelma emilia 4,5 cm test - 18 000 ft/db
Brachypelma hamorii 4-4,5 cm test - 18 000 ft/db
Brachypelma klaasi 4,5-5 cm test - 45 000 ft/db
Brachypelma smithi (ex. annitha) semi/subadult - 75 000 ft
Grammostola pulchripes 5 cm test 20 000 ft/db
Phormingochilus arboricola 4 cm test - 12 000 ft/db
Phormingochilus sp rufus adult - 12 000 ft/db
Pseudhapalopus sp. yellowblue 2-2,5cm test - 30 000 ft/db

TERRAPLAZA (2023.10.15.)

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