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Registered 30. January 2025.


Followers: 0

August 2023



Tliltocatl khalenbergi teljes kokon eladó egyben! 1vedlésesek!

0.0.16 Hysterocrates gigas 3-4 cm 4.000 HUF
0.0.25 Poecilotheria metallica semi-sub 16.000 HUF
0.0.13 Lasiodora parahybana 2-3 cm 3.500 HUF
0.0.20 Pterinochilus murinus RCF 1-2 cm 3.500 HUF
0.0.11 Monocentropus balfouri 3 cm (5-6 kolónia) 20.000-24.000 HUF
0.0.xx Tliltocatl albupilosum “nica” 4-5 v 1.500 HUF
0.0.xx Nhandu chromatus 5v 2.000 HUF
0.0.xx Pamphobeteus sp. machalla 2v 5.000 HUF
0.0.xx Selenocosmia crassipes

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