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Registered 25. March 2025.


Followers: 0

December 2016 (upped September 2024)



Börzékre foglalható:
0.1 Avicularia minatrix adult ♀
0.1 Avicularia purpurea adult ♀
0.1 Avicularia juruensis adult♀
0.1 Avicularia rufa adult ♀
0.1 Avicularia amazonica „manaus” 4cm ♀
0.1 Caribena versicolor adult ♀
0.1 Iridopelma hirsutum adult ♀
0.1 Iridopelma zorodes 3cm ♀ ♀
0.1 Ybyrapora Sooretama 3cm ♀
0.1 Ybyrapora diversipes 3cm ♀
0.1 Phormingochilus sp. "Sabah Blue" adult ♀
0.1 Phormingochilus sp. "Akcaya" adult ♀
0.1 Cyriopagopus sp. „Valhalla” 3cm ♀
0.1 Cyriopagopus sp 'Bach Ma' a


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