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Other arthropod Advertisement

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Registered 26. March 2025.


Followers: 0

September 2015

Offer for the Hamm Show 12. September


Eurycotis decipiens - mixed, 10 St, 25.00 €
Eurycotis opaca spec. 2 - 10 Stück all size, 15€
Gromphadorrhina portentosa - 10 St mixed, 8€
Panchlora nivea - ca. 40 Stück all size 7.50 €
Polyphaga saussurei - 5 kleine Larven 20.00 €
Princisia vanwerebecki "Black&White;" - 10 St.mix,15€
Pycnoscelus striatus - ca.100 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Alipes grandidieri - ca. 10 cm, 20.00 €
E. trigonopodus " Ring Blue Leg - ca.12 cm, 25€
Scolopendra morsitans " Yellow Leg " - 6cm, 8€

This advertisement involves an animal,
which is banned in certain countries.

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