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Registered 10. March 2025.


Followers: 0

December 2017 (upped February 2018)

Sziasztok, TP-re eladó


Lyrognthus giannisposatinni2-3v 1500-
Nhandu tripepii 2cm test 2500-
Orphnaecus sp. Kakitebal 1,5-2cm test 5000-
Ornithoctoninae sp laos PDA 3-4v 12000-
Pamphobeteus antinous 2-3v 8000-
Pamphobeteus cf petersi 2v 8000-
Pamphobeteus sp costa-3v 9000-
Pamphobeteus sp mascara 2v 7500-
Pamphobeteus nigricolor columbia 2-3v 19000-
Sphaerobothria hoffmanni 1,5 cm test 4500-
Schizopelma bicarinatum 1-2v 9000-
Xenesthis immanis 2v 10000-


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