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- Pisces 25
- Corydoras 8
- Labeo 4
- Poecilia 4
- Pterophyllum 4
- Apistogramma 3
- Ivanacara 3
- Neolamprologus 3
- Paracheirodon 3
- Symphysodon 3
- Aphyosemion 2
- Betta 2
- Botia 2
- Limia 2
- Pseudotropheus 2
- Amphilophus 1
- Ancistrus 1
- Aulonocara 1
- Barbus 1
- Celestichthys 1
- Copadichromis 1
- Cynotilapia 1
- Cyprichromis 1
- Danio 1
- Epiplatys 1
- Garra 1
- Heros 1
- Heterandria 1
- Hypancistrus 1
- Hypsophrys 1
Garra - 1 db
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Registered 28. March 2025.
Followers: 0
December 2014 (upped May 2015)
Börzére vitt halak 1.
A következő halakat viszem a börzére:
Corydoras eques orange F1
Cor. panda
Pseudomugil paskai 'red neon'
Notropis chrosomus
Loricaria filamentosa
Neoheterandria elegans
Heterandria formosa
Garra rufa
Planorbella red, blue
Vitorlás fekete, arany
Sawbwa resplendens
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